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 On August 10th, I had a meeting with Ekrem Imamoglu, the newly elected mayor of Istanbul, about banning the horse-drawn carriages in the Prince's Islands. He offered me the job of being the official advisor to the workshop (he has been the mayor for 37 days and this is their first workshop). I accepted the job, and asked for them to not pay me for the process because I am truly volunteering for the 1,500 horses there. 
Because the CHP (the mayor's party) wants to follow a democratic approach to making changes, they wanted to have a conference at the Prince's Islands and invite over 200 non-profit organizations, including organizations that want horse-drawn carriages (I donated 70 copies of my book about the horse-drawn carriages so that they can be handed out during the conference). The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality wants to listen to the solutions of the organizations, therefore, including them in the decision-making process. However, until the meeting, we are already working on solutions for the horses (because they will get banned). Then heads of the transportation department asked me what can replace the horse-drawn carriages, and I prepared many solutions (by looking at Istanbul's GDP, and how much money they would have to put aside for this project).  Then, they asked me what could be done with the horses after the horse-drawn carriages get banned.  I said that not only does the government have shelters, but that the army also takes good care of the horses, too (my grandfather was a general in the army and he was also a veterinarian, so I know how the horses are taken care of in the army). They found my ideas very interesting, and said that they will work on my ideas and keep me updated every step of the way.  I will not only prepare a feasibility but also a little essay that will be published in their final report. 
Ekrem İmamoğlu - Istanbul Mayor.png
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